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Based in Bentleigh East, Victoria, HandcraftN is managed and operated by Kristelle and James. Kristelle handcrafts and looks after the business side of things and James is in charge of website development and operations.

A little about Kristelle in her own words:

“As a kinesiologist by trade, I enjoy working with my hands and being creative whether with clients in a kinesiology session or at home creating beautiful toys and craft. Being a busy mum of two, craft for me is like a daily meditation and something I thoroughly enjoy. Stitch by stitch I am able to gather my thoughts and easily bring myself back to the present moment. (Very therapeutic and something I highly recommend!).

My love of crafting with wool felt specifically all began around 9 years ago when my son was attending Taraleigh Steiner Kindergarten and Playgroup. I became involved with Taraleigh Kindergarten Craft Group which was not only a wonderful group to connect and create with, but one whose main focus was to raise some much needed funds for the kindergarten and playgroup by selling these gorgeous items that us parents had made. To see the joy and delight on the children's faces when playing with one of these handmade toys is something that truly warms the heart and soul. Not only was the creation process fun to do but extremely humbling.

Whether hand dying the felt, selecting the colours and materials, cutting out patterns, sewing, needle felting or adding the finer details, know that a lot of thought, time, energy and love has been put into each item I make. A conscious effort is made to select natural materials where possible and where a crystal has been incorporated into the item, it has been cleansed energetically and an intention is set for it to assist the new owner. My hope is that children who are more sensitive to these energies will feel comforted by the toy as well as enjoy playing with it too.

If you would like one of my items specifically made to suit you or a loved ones needs, please feel free to contact me directly on for further information and time frames. If you would like learn more about kinesiology, I invite you to visit my website where there is a plethora of information to dive into as well.

Thank you for your interest and support of HandcraftN!"